Help - unable to load FLV from file.

F-IN-BOX for Delphi / Builder C++ / VCL
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Help - unable to load FLV from file.

Postby JayM » Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:47 am

I downloaded the trial version this week (version 3.2, using in Delphi 5, Windows XP Pro SP2). All the demos compile and work as expected. But the "same" code does not work inside my test application (read on). :(

Even after spending a whole day, I am unable to load FLV from file using TMemoryStream or TFileStream as shown in demo apps. I tried to follow and duplicate code in demo apps line by line. (SWF loading with Movie := filename; works OK, however, this does not work for FLV. We need a simple mechanism for loading FLVs).

The same issue have been raised before by other users on this newsgroup. Obviously, there is "somthing" that new users like me are missing. It may be just a small step or misunderstanding somewhere.

Would you please consider creating and posting *** a clear TUTORIAL *** (not another demo app) explaining the logic step-by-step - what to do and why !

A demo app that ONLY loads SWF and FLVs from file and does NOT use resources at all will be helpful. It will be very helpful to new users to show how to load SWF and FLVs from file using properties (e.g., Movie := xyz;) and Stream (e.g. TFileStream). I believe use of resources is confusing all the demos.

May be some of your "Happy Customers" who had this problem and have solved it may like to help on this topic as well.

I think a painless, positive first impression is good for business! :D

Thank you very much

Jay M

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Re: Help - unable to load FLV from file.

Postby Softanics » Fri Feb 08, 2008 7:19 am

Thank you for your questions...

JayM wrote:Even after spending a whole day, I am unable to load FLV from file using TMemoryStream or TFileStream as shown in demo apps. I tried to follow and duplicate code in demo apps line by line. (SWF loading with Movie := filename; works OK, however, this does not work for FLV. We need a simple mechanism for loading FLVs).

f-in-box doesn't play a FLV directly. You need a flash movie that loads a FLV and plays it.

How to play a FLV from a file:

Code: Select all

// Of course, you should have a resource FLASH/FLVPlayer !
ResourceStream := TResourceStream.Create(0, 'FLVPlayer', 'FLASH');
FlashPlayerControl1.FlashVars := 'FLVPath=' + FFLVPath;

-- or --

Code: Select all

FlashPlayerControl1.FlashVars := 'FLVPath=' + FFLVPath;
FlashPlayerControl1.Movie := ExtractFileDir(Application.ExeName) + '\FLVPlayer.swf';

FLVPath (the name depends on specific SWF with flv player) is a variable that is passed to the flash player, it contains a path / URL to a FLV file.
Best regards, Artem A. Razin,
F-IN-BOX support
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Postby JayM » Fri Feb 08, 2008 3:24 pm

Thank you.


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